

Hello dearest blog bestie, my hands have been itching to write to you to share this new knowledge and insight I gained this week but before moving on, how are you doing today? Hope all is well and I hope your walk with God is stronger and stronger 😊.

On Monday, my colleague told me to watch a YouTube video by Pastor Mildred Okonkwo, if you know her and you have been blessed by her ministry let me know in the comment section 🤗🤩. Anyway, I went on YouTube to watch the video, it was the International Word of Faith Conference 2023 where she spoke about Why Your Faith is not working. She used scriptural references for every single illustration she gave and made 😊.

Today’s blog is going to highlight the video but be sure to watch the full video (the link would be at the end of the blog). When I heard her say the topic, “Why Your Faith Is Not Working” I wondered to myself what could it be, I thought I had the answer to it which was not fully believing, and doubting but her explanation gave me more insight into Faith.

I must already be making you eager to know, but think to yourself, why would my faith not work? While you may still be thinking, let’s move on to what Pastor M shared.

There are two major reasons or things that stood out that would make your faith not work, which are; not believing in your heart (not mind but heart) and not having a heart of love. One of the vital things I got about faith was that the heart mattered. The heart signifies our Spirit and our mind signifies our soul. (Once you watch the full video, you will understand better).

From what she said, when we receive the life of Christ, our spirit is renewed but not our mind, so when Romans 12:1-2 talks about renewal of mind, we need to constantly renew our mind, for our mind is logical. Before I dive too far and give more details, let me focus on the two things that stood out for me from the message.

“Your Spirit has to be permitted to rise and then your body needs to cooperate with your spirit”

So the first part is not believing in your heart. Believing is not merely saying I believe, it is standing your ground about the Word of God no matter how it looks physically. It is deciding to choose to believe that you have riches when your account balance is at zero or saying you will pass this exam even after what people have said about it. Believing is going beyond what is been seen in the physical to tapping into what you have received in the spiritual. You believe in the Word of God, in the promises of God, and in what you hear God say to you. She mentioned the Difference between the Mind and the Heart, so I would say it again, watch the full video.

“In order not to doubt in your heart, you must bump your heart with the Word of God, for faith is not just about getting, it is for living”.

The second reason is when there’s no love in our hearts. I can recur 2 videos or so that talked about 1 Corinthians 13 love and apply it. If you think you have love in your heart or you are not sure what love means, take out time after reading and watching the video to do a proper Bible Study on 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatians 5:6. For Faith to work in our lives, it must be expressed through love.

For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated and expressed and working through love.- Galatians 5:6

Think about what love means according to the Word of God and see how you can exhibit it in your faith Journey. I do hope you have learned something new from today’s blog and as promised https://youtu.be/2JprV_rVEyo (This is the link to watch the full video) stay blessed.

Also if this is your first blog reading, welcome on board blog bestie, it is good to have you here and to be part of this community. I love but Christ loves you best.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,


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