

Had a sensitization on Mental Health on Tuesday

Hello Blog Bestie, how are you doing? What is your current mood as you go through today’s blog post? I would like to hear from you 😊. I also have a wonderful testimony to share with you at the end of today’s blog post.

As the topic of this week’s blog post goes, you must have heard of this question or maybe while reflecting on your walk with God, you may have asked yourself am I truly representing Christ? Well… You will find out from today’s blog post where I will be discussing ways in which we can represent Christ.

But before we can answer the question “if we represent Christ” we have to know the nature of Christ, which is love as it is shown in 1 John 4:7-8 and the character of love in 1 Corinthians 13.

Now moving unto how we can represent Christ using 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatians 5:22-23 as our anchor scriptures.

In Our Action: 1 Corinthians 13 defines what love is about, Now ask yourself, this is a reflection time, so please be honest with yourself. Are you kind to people around you? Are you kind to strangers? Do you act proud around your colleagues or friends and even before God? Are you forgiving to your neighbours or to strangers you encounter? Do you keep records of wrongs? In representing Christ, we must not only teach or preach the Word of God but must also live in what we teach and preach about. Just as Christ forgave sins in the Bible and also forgave us (Ephesians 4:32), are you also forgiving to even your sibling? Representing Christ goes beyond saying Jesus loves you, going to the church, or doing evangelism. Representing Christ must also reflect in the way you act or react to life and situations. Think about how Christ would respond and handle the issue and then act in that way. Be diligent and honest.

In Our Words: While Christ was on earth, He was never a carrier of bad news or a negative mind, His words were always to teach, heal, deliver, save, and to also forgive. Now why be a person of bad news that those around know that all you share or what to talk about is either bad news or something negative? The words we speak should give hope, peace, light, healing, positivity, and also a blessing. I should be to build and not break. You should know there’s power in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21), therefore be careful of the words that are being spoken from your mouth. Christ also prayed while on earth, so your prayer life shouldn’t be lacking. There are so many scriptures about how to speak, but I would be sharing just five with you, meditate on them and feel free to do more study on other scriptures; (Colossians 4:6, Ephesians 4:29, 1 Peter 3:10, Proverbs 31:26, Psalms 34:13).

In Our Character: Are you bearing the Fruit of the Spirit? According to Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. Now examine yourself, do you have self-control? Do you act with faith in all your affairs? Are you patient? Do you bear the fruit of peace, joy, and love? Our character should exhibit love, peace (of mind & with all men), joy, patience, self-control, faith, and every other fruit of the Spirit.

Now you may ask, where can I represent Christ? Where can I show love? Where can I build others with my words? Where can I be kind? I will be sharing a few

At home with your family

At work with your boss and colleagues

At school with both lecturers, coursemates, and non-teaching staff

In the Church with your fellow brethren

On the bus with total strangers or at the mall, at a restaurant, while taking a walk, at the gym, and anywhere, you find yourself.

You should not be known for someone who curses a lot in school and then at home be known for sharing light and understanding. Ensure that you represent Christ everywhere.

To my big testimony, I passed my ICAN exam 🥳🥳, for those who may not know what ICAN is, it is a professional exam for Accountants. I am in my final level and out of 5 courses, I wrote 2 courses in May and the results came out on Wednesday and I passed both papers. Please put me in your prayers, I still have three more to go to become chartered.

Before I end this if you are new to my blog post, warm welcome to this community 🤗, and if you have not subscribed yet, please do so and leave a comment below on what stood out for you today. I love you but Christ loves you more ❤.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,


(2) Comments

  1. Chimkaha Ngubo says:


    1. Thank you🤗

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