Happy New Month!!! Welcome to the Month of February and Welcome to today’s blog post. It’s just been three days into February, but how has the month been? How was last month? How are you presently? It’s an honour that you will be reading this.
When I started my blog after my introduction post, my first three posts were talking about Love: The Fruit of the Spirit, Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving Others.
Today's blog is going to be around it but more elaborate.
As many of us know this is the Month when we celebrate Love. I do not think talking about Love can be over-emphasized. Love is a very beautiful thing and when it feels our heart there’s going to be a lot of change in the universe.
Let me share a story, I watched a K-drama series, I can’t remember the name now but it was a serial killing case. The man was happy killing people and found joy in it. I’m sure I am not the only one who would have watched a movie like that but think about it, most of the causes of these serial killings started from a very wrong point of view and I believe if that man in the movie I watched had a percentage of love in him, he won’t think of such an act or even find it entertaining.
The Golden Rule, treat others in the way you want to be treated. In today’s devotional in Triump30 devotional, something was said and I want to share it “You can’t love yourself or others properly if you don’t believe you’re worthy of love (God’s love).
So it still falls to our Identity in Christ, the fact that our lives are precious to God and God loves us deeply. By the time, you come into this understanding and continue to remind yourself of that Love from God.
When you continue to stand in that understanding, you won’t think of committing suicide all because of a particular situation, then when you share that love with others, you won’t want or wish harm for others, and your love for God will make you abide in Him and make sure His purpose in your life be fulfilled.
I know society doesn’t seem good but know this “The reality of who you are in Christ outweighs any pain you may have experienced”. Allow yourself to accept the Love of God and then begin to love intentionally without the vices around.
You can meditate on today’s devotional text:
Zephaniah 3:17b- He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His Love, He will rejoice over you with singing.
Thank you for staying till the end, don’t forget to subscribe and I would love to hear from you in the comment section any other to ways to love intentionally in this month.
Till I write again…
Your Blog Bestie,
Omoye 💙
Indeed *Love* is the greatest,it covers a multitude of wrongs(sin).The world will be a better place when we love one another unconditionally,not in mere words but via actions.God bless you dear