


Hi, welcome back to my Friday blog… 

Trust this week was amazing ☺️ or was it stressful🥺? Mine has been hectic in camp😢. I have been having lectures upon lectures, having to leave the hostel early and coming in late with little break in the afternoon. Although I’m very interested to know how your week went in the comment section🤗. 


The Question of the Today… 😶

How Consistent are you in your Fellowship with God?

Consistency has now been seen as a driving thing to any success. They are times, when we start a project and find it hard to be consistent in the growth process of that project, mostly when we don’t have a strong zeal for it. 

I started a 20days Consistency Challenge on LinkedIn in September 2022. That whole 20 days was a lot but I was able to pull through and fully complete the days without missing any day because of my zeal for growth.


I thought about the money I paid ( I’m cautious about how I spend my money)🙂and I had an accountability partner as well. During that period, I had the urge to pray for a certain amount of time per day and I didn’t want to set unrealistic goals for myself in my spiritual journey.

I felt if I could be consistent with posting every day for 20 days on a social platform, then why can’t I be consistent with the time I spend with God (Abba). 


Recently in camp as I had mentioned the activities are just so much that you basically do not have time for yourself (your time is now for NYSC). So, by the time I get into my hostel, I’m feeling very exhausted, and for the first 3 days I wasn’t consistent in my prayer life. So now what I’m doing is balancing my time with how things are here at camp and my spiritual life. 

So, dear blog besties, your consistency is not limited to you showing up online, showing up for that project growth or consistently reading books for growth or allowing your current environment to decide your time. Consistency also involves your fellowship with God. How consistent you speak with the Holy Spirit in a year, a month, a week, and even a day. 

Dear blog besties, stop limiting how you show up to material things alone, and be consistent in your fellowship with God and other believers. 

Have a lovely weekend practicing consistency in your fellowship 😊.

P.S: I would be sharing with you my whole NYSC experience in camp. Anticipate!!! 😉

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,

Omoye 💙

(2) Comments

  1. Anonymous says:

    My week was stressful but it was filled with smiles, and I believe in consistency also in everything you do
    This week I missed a lot of prayer but I am learning to balance everything together and work on my schedule
    Till Friday again, Omoye

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