Happy New Month Blog Bestie, I am really excited about this month and I have a major announcement to make soon. Anticipate!!!
If you have been reading my blogs and you haven’t subscribed yet, I simply do not know what you are waiting for. By the way, how are you doing? What was your first-day experience this month? And finally, what are your plans to grow in your walk with God this month? Keep in mind, that I am genuinely asking you and would love to hear from you in the comment section.
Now let’s move on to today’s blog post. Last week, I shared with you 5 skills you should develop before leaving school and after sending out the post, I thought of more skills that would be useful in the workforce and are majorly included in the Job requirement and they are;
Creativity Skill: You didn’t see this coming right😅. Some of the courses we offer in school don’t give us the liberty to be as creative as we should but this is a very important skill when you leave school. From my point of view, there’s hardly any field that doesn’t require creativity in it. Employers want someone creative in delivering value and solving problems. Creativity is a mindset work, build your mind and think beyond, as they would say think outside the box.
Problem-Solving Skill: problem-solving isn’t limited to just business owners and entrepreneurs. As an employee, there would be different problems that you might encounter in your field, it could be financial problems and a skill that aligns so much with problem-solving is creativity. Combining these two skills would set you up for greatness in any industry.
Adaptability Skill: I just finished my Mckinsey Course and I am so happy I signed up for it and one of the courses treated was adaptability. In the workplace, things are bound to change, systems are changing, and the way things were done 10 years ago is not the same as now. Adaptability skill helps you to perform well across a variety of situations. Let me put it this way, Adaptability skill is being able to learn and quickly to a new environment or ways of doing things. It keeps you up to date and you continue to remain relevant in your field. To be adaptable, you need to have an open mindset to learning and growing. So, when new software is brought to your department to use, you have the mindset of being willing to learn about this new software.

These are the three more skills you should develop before leaving school. If you haven’t read the first part, this is the link rush there now!!!😅
Till I write again…
Your Blog Bestie,