

My experience at camp
My SAED (Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development)  class

Nobody ever told me how camp can be draining🥺

Hi, welcome to my blog 🤗

How was your week or past days this month? I’m eager to hear your responses.

This would be the last blog post for the month and I’m really grateful to God for the strength to be consistent. I definitely know it is just about 2 months but we moveeeee💃😂

My experience at camp
Swearing in day

Before I begin to drift from the topic which is “my experience at camp”.

If you have been following my blog, I mentioned that Immediately after my convocation, the next day I was on my way to camp.

I had this excitement to have started a new journey not until I stepped my foot into camp and started rethinking the whole thing 😢😅😅.

My Nysc camp experience wasn’t the best I had expected, but I’m still grateful. I think if someone had told me more about how stressful Nysc camp can be, I would have prepared my mind psychologically for it but anyway, I just had to adjust immediately.

For the first three days, I wasn’t myself I am sure about that, my registration took more time than it should and I felt my spiritual life going down at that point, I couldn’t do my quiet time and the general devotion or meditation was not really encouraging. 

My experience at camp
I had just completed my registration and collected my khaki

So, I had to make plans for myself concerning my quiet time, at the end waking up by 2am was my only option, so I could have a good about of time to do my quiet time and still sleep before going out in the morning by 4:30am.

Don’t forget this is my personal experience and it could be different for another person.

So personally, the camp was draining both physically and spiritually, if you are not careful, you may not be able to spend a good time on your personal devotions. I can say you can always regain your strength back after you rest, in camp sleep becomes your best friend, at every chance you get you want to sleep 😴

My experience at camp
Man O’ War drilling

It is only in camp 2 hrs lecture would be feeling like 5hrs and 2hrs rest would be like 5min rest😢😅

Few pieces of Advice, I would give you just to be more prepared;

🎯Be prepared for anything (literally anything) basically be open-minded.

🎯Easily Adjust, my dear if you wake up by 6am in your house, better adjust to an earlier time, so you don’t end up getting punished unnecessarily.

🎯Be prepared to spend, this I thought I could prevent. You will spend on food for sure. There’s always something you need to get from Mami market and things there are not cheap at all, so come prepared.

🎯Keep your things well, I actually had no problem with this but just in case be careful. I didn’t need to use a padlock for my things.

🎯Camp can be draining physically and must, especially spiritually, so my advice is to find time in the morning to do your quiet time and do your best to carry God along all your activities. 

I couldn’t spend time doing my quiet time as I would have wanted, but I still thank God for those days I could.

It is becoming longer than I expected, so maybe they would be a part 2 where I would be sharing the amazing things that happened to me at camp that I’m grateful for.

PS: Don’t think I had no fun at all 😅😅. Nysc is not all that bad and don’t forget to check back next week Friday for part 2😊

I know some corpers who just recently came back from camp and those who have fully served would be reading this post and I would really want you to share your own experience in the comment section. I happily await all responses 😊😊

Till I write again ✍️

                                                     Your Blog Bestie

                                                                     Omoye 💙

(5) Comments

  1. Ikudehin Mary says:

    Thanks for sharing 🤍

  2. Nice you still had time for your personal time with God even with the tight schedule

  3. Anonymous says:

    Very relatable.

  4. Segun LASISI says:

    Omoye, nice write-up you’ve got here.
    Well, personally I felt indifferent about going to NYSC camp. And my first-two days in camp weren’t interesting to me because I was a little bit worried about my adaptability to life there. But as days counted by, I got used to everything. I made new friends & became interestingly engaged in different activities especially that of sports. As fate would’ve it, I was the sports director of my platoon. In short, my camp experience was worth it.

  5. Segun LASISI says:

    Omoye, a nice write-up you’ve got here.
    Well, personally I felt indifferent about going to NYSC camp. And my first-two days in camp weren’t interesting to me because I was a little bit worried about my adaptability to life there. But as days counted by, I got used to everything. I made new friends & became interestingly engaged in different activities especially that of sports. As fate would’ve it, I was the sports director of my platoon. In short, my camp experience was worth it.

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