

Don't just dream, start taking action
An old picture of mine

Hello, welcome to my blog 🤗.

How has your entire week been for you?

Well, mine was great 😊. Camp is coming to an end soon and I’m truly happy about that. I honestly looked forward to this orientation camp but it really did take a lot of my energy and sleep😅. 

One other thing I’m happy or would I say I’m grateful about this last week is God’s favor towards my platoon on camp. So when we first started camp each platoon always had one thing to compete on, my platoon was not really winning per se but this entire one week that has passed, God has just been favoring us, from getting second best in Relay Race to winning Betty Butter to being among the top five in Beard Gang to winning Mr. Ankara to getting the second position in Parade and winning Miss NYSC. Is God not so amazing☺️. 

We saw how our performance had been and did not just give up on coming out the best but put more effort into our planning and yes, we had to include God in it as well😊.

This camp and this past week, it has truly taught me more about unity and apart from our preparation, if God is for you no one can be against you, growing as individuals, and also having a team 💃.

So, in what ways are you growing yourself?  

Oftentimes, we have this desire to grow, it could be in our academics, career, or just personal growth but we often leave those things at the desired level instead of an action level. 

If you want to grow and you are not doing the following, you are wrong😢. Attending conferences, listening to podcasts, reading books, taking courses, and reading blogs 😊. Growth involves commitment and consistency not just a desire for it.  So, sis… bruv… friend… If you want to grow then you have to do the following above.

You have to leave your bed, you have to stop watching that movie that doesn’t help your growth (Spiritually, personally, or career-wise), sit up, put on your data connection, browse for conferences, on those things you want to grow, check for courses around your budget you can take (even free courses), go to the library or better still check for an online bookstore and download book from there to read.  (I’m not saying you shouldn’t have fun but prioritize).

You can do it sis, you can do it bruv, you just need a push, a drive to get them all done. Find a reason to keep going, it could be that you want to make an impact, you want to be known worldwide, you want to leave wealth for your generation, or you want to be a faithful servant to God. 

So, dear blog bestie stop dreaming to achieve that goal or growth level, stop dreaming of impacting others and stop dreaming of making changes in your family for the better, start taking action to achieve them.

Something was said yesterday during my camp lecture and I quote “Leave the era of Just dreaming and start acting on it”. I’m not saying taking the first step is easy but along the line, it would get accustomed to you. 

I’m also growing and seeing new phases of my life, I presently feel like I’m not doing much as I was during the first months of this year but that won’t stop be taking action that achieves what I always dreamed for. 

P.S: I’m unable to upload pictures with these posts but once I have my system with me then I would be sure to let you see me in my khaki wears🙈. 

It was amazing writing this and do hope you picked one or two from this blog😊

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,

Omoye 💙



(3) Comments

  1. Adesoyefaith says:


  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    I've learnt again ☺️
    Keep pushing forward to achieve your goals
    No matter how much you fail, strive to be the best and always be happy and never forget God will always be your guide. In everything, seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ

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