

Hello Blog Bestie, Happy weekend! How are you doing? What’s the plan for the weekend?😏🌚 I was supposed to share this last week but I omitted it. I purchased my second journal from Scripture Haven Co. and I have been loving it.

This year, I transitioned to using a dedicated journal for my devotion and quiet time. While I’ve always carried around jotters for random notes, I decided to make a conscious effort to invest in a proper journal. A friend shared how her perspective on devotional materials shifted after listening to a podcast (or perhaps a sermon). She emphasized that using generic jotters for our devotions can diminish the significance of our connection with God. Some of us even go so far as to use funeral jotters for this purpose, a practice that might resonate with those from an African or Nigerian background.

This got me thinking that everything related to our relationship with God deserves reverence. Imagine a journal cover emblazoned with phrases like ‘Called to Glory,’ ‘Gone Too Soon,’ or ‘Adieu Papa.’ 

While it might seem humorous, the choice of devotional materials should reflect the importance we place on our relationship with God. We carefully consider our needs when selecting writing supplies for school or work. Why shouldn’t we apply the same level of care to our devotional materials?

I’m not suggesting that using any type of devotional material will prevent you from experiencing God. However, choosing the right and best materials can enhance your spiritual journey and experience. 

This isn’t a sponsored endorsement, but if you’re passionate about journaling like me, I highly recommend investing in a quality journal. You can get them from Scripture Haven Co. I’d also be happy to suggest books that can support your faith and your walk with God.

But before I end this, I just want to rant about my network issue, since I got back home. It has been very discouraging but we push forward, never to let discouragement overwhelm us. Be stirred by some words from DDK.

If you are a new reader here, welcome to the family dear blog bestie and I hope you were blessed by today’s blog post. Don’t forget to subscribe, drop a comment and share with someone. See you in my next blog post.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,


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