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Question of the Day…

Do you show yourself, love?

Matthew 22:39- And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself

I mentioned in my earlier post, one of the ways you can love God is by loving the people God created and you are one of them ๐Ÿค—

Think ๐Ÿค” have you truly been loving yourself? Have you been patient with yourself, kind, or even accepted your flaws and imperfection without measuring yourself with others? 

Love The Fruit of the Spirit 2

Matthew 22:39 says to love your neighbor as yourself, so that implies you can only love your neighbor the way you love yourself. So how can you love a neighbor without loving yourself? 

The Nemo dat rule is “no one gives what he doesn’t have”. You can’t give a person a contract job when you have no contract job to give ๐Ÿ˜…

Everything is connected. When you find your identity in Christ, you would fully love yourself, and your personality, embrace your flaws and grow to become a better version of yourself, not anyone else. 

Loving yourself is essential and loving your neighbor is also essential, but the other can only be achieved when you have truly loved yourself as God created you to be. 

Love The Fruit of the Spirit 2

Giving yourself that daily reminder, I am created in the likeness of God, I am wonderful and fearfully made, I am a child of God, and I am empowered by a sovereign God. Only until you have loved yourself before you can share that love. 

So dear friends, never forget to show how much love God has poured on you to yourself and to your environment (people).

Feel free to express yourself in the comment section about God’s love for you. Wish you a happy weekend ๐Ÿ˜Š

PS: I was really excited while writing this, because this is something I have overcome. Not to compare, even when the thoughts drop, to accept myself and my growth level.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,



(5) Comments

  1. Mary Ikudehin says:

    Thank you Omoye for sharing this. If thereโ€™s I gained from this post is to learn to love myself, accept my flaws and be a better version of myself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Its certainly true that one can't gives what he didn't have for you to fully express a true love to your neighbors, that love has to be seen in you and practically as being given and directed through the bible

  3. God is love and when we love you already know what that means. What amazes me is the availability of God's love for ANYONE. Who am I then not to love myself and my neighbor. Thank you Marvellous, I'm blessed.

  4. That's amazing

  5. I'm happy you were blessed๐Ÿ˜Š

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