Career Personal Spiritual

Becoming an Undercover Agent with an Untold Advantage

Happy New Month Blog Bestie, since this is our first blog post for the month, it is only right to wish you a happy new month. How have you been? The month is already halfway gone and it seems like 2024 wants to end quickly. Anyway, how has the month been so far for you? 🌚😊

This month has been incredibly fulfilling. The past three months have been a whirlwind of preparation for the Light Conference, which I had the privilege of attending. Serving as a volunteer in the social media team was an honour. You’ll fully grasp my excitement as I share more about this amazing experience.😉

This year’s conference theme, ‘Undercover Agent with an Untold Advantage,’ was captivating. It’s the second year for this conference, and I was fortunate to attend both.😊 Reflecting on the insightful talks, I’ve been drawn deeper into understanding our identity in Christ and the incredible privileges granted to us as God’s children.

Let me give you a background on the conference, it is not the usual conference of either business or faith-based but a combination of faith, business and career conferences- a 3-in-1 conference. That’s why the theme isn’t directly related to business or career but the function of our faith in our industry. The conference is an annual gathering of believers in the corporate and business sectors, providing them with tools to excel as industry leaders and advance God’s kingdom. 

Can you see why the conference is so unique?😏The past three months have been a real stretch for me. My primary role was generating content ideas for reels, carousels, and graphics, along with crafting compelling captions. It was quite a challenge, but I didn’t do it alone!

Well, enough of what I did and now to what I want to share with you. As believers everything we do flows from our identity in Christ, we enjoy and claim the promises of God because of our identity as Sons of God, we have assurance of eternity because of what we identify as, and we have access to God because of our identity as His Children and I can go on and on. 

And so reflecting on the theme of the conference: Undercover Agent with an Untold Advantage, it points out an identity we as believers often forget. In the sector or industry God has placed us, He has made us an undercover agent to dominate and bring glory to His name. Just like Daniel amongst others who worked in the palace, he exhibited characters that made people recognise his God. 

Remember Genesis 1:26-27, we were created in God’s likeness and were given complete authority over the earth. Being created in His likeness means you are the bearer of God’s image in your sector, an Ambassador! The light conference is not just for you to become good but to be part of the top 1% in your industry, those who solve world problems, an agent of God’s influence. And our untold advantage is the Holy Spirit that leads us on what to do. Most of the speakers talked about intimacy with God, it is out of that relationship that formed their business and career decision which has taken them to such great heights, wealth and influence. 

So my words for you today, dear blog bestie. You have a responsibility as a Son of God to cause an influence in your sector or industry, because when you are there the devil will not have a foothold to operate easily or freely. God needs His Sons to arise and be at the Top. Remember the image of the One whose image you bear is excellent, so be excellent.

If you are a new reader here, welcome to the family dear blog bestie and I hope you were blessed by today’s blog post. Don’t forget to subscribe, drop a comment and share with someone. See you in my next blog post.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,


(1) Comment


    Wow 😊, you are an incredible writer.

    I love the flow ❤️..

    Will love to read more with you post.

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