

Hello, welcome to my blog!!! How are you doing and How is your Spiritual life?

Throughout this month, I have been majoring in growth, and in the first post for the month, I talked about building the right habit for exceeding growth. click the link to check it out. The second and third-week posts were about how to grow in your spiritual and financial life.

Today’s post is still about growth but the focus is personal growth. Before we go into how to grow personally, what is personal growth? I went online to research it and the one definition I liked the most is “Personal Growth is a process of developing new skills, attitudes, actions, and reactions that can have a positive impact on your life and increase your overall well-being.

I decided to state the definition of personal growth to gain clarity about today’s post. So from reading the definition, we know personal growth is a process that means you do it consistently to improve your overall wellbeing.

Personal growth is quite broad because it covers every aspect of your life, your spiritual, financial, career, mental and every other aspect of life. So now, let’s dive into how to grow in your personal life;

1. Learn to love yourself: This is the beginning of it all, if you are not able to love, you won’t be able to choose the right things for yourself, things that won’t cause harm. Prioritize yourself.

2. Have the habit of learning new things: explore even at a young age or as an older citizen, having fun and learning new things never ends. Buy books and read, travel if you can, read articles, be creative, and watch videos. whatever you want to learn or must not be directly related to your career path. Learn a bit about everything, and just keep investing in yourself.

3. Focus on Positivity rather than Negativity: I will always say this, always try to see the good in everything. Avoid negative thoughts. This would help your mental health, and adopt a more positive attitude.

4. Be Content: have contentment with where you are but choose to become a better version of yourself each day, not a version of someone else. Only compete against yourself.

5. Set Smart Goals and Identify your Why and What: identify why you need or want to grow personally, what aspect of your personal life you want to grow and begin to set smart goals towards it.

I’m ending this with having the Habit of treating others in a lovely way and building the mindset of growth, finally being aware of yourself is also part of growing personally. Are there other ways to grow in your personal life, this community would love to hear from you.

I would like to hear from you in the comment section if there’s a topic you would like me to talk about. I love you but Christ loves you more.

Till I write again…

Your Blog Bestie,


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